Carte grise registration service
When it comes time to update your carte grise registration document when purchasing a vehicle, we can help by providing all the documentation required, pre-filled and submitted on your behalf.
Signed by the seller & buyer
– The dĂ©claration de cession : cerfa 15776*02
– Private sales agreement or dealer invoice.
Provided by the seller
– The current carte grise registration document crossed out, dated and signed by the seller then given to the buyer (the seller should also keep a scanned copy / photo).
– The certificat de situation administrative (CSA) of less than 15 days: Histovec
– The control technique (vehicle inspection test) of less than 6 months if the vehicle is more than 4 years old.
Signed by the buyer
– The demande de certificat d’immatriculation: cerfa 13750*07