
Motorhome Blog on - A year in review from this traveling crew!

 It was summer ‘21 when we made the call The crazy decision to pack up and leave it all Not forever, no, but for a good chunk o’ time And the feeling that followed was truly sublime It had been a long time coming, the plan still in dream mode And we knew we had […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - Time to Get to Work! | Kayler-Popper

 For many (maybe most) people, travelling in their motorhome is a vacation from their “real lives”- ie.. their jobs, busy social calendars and the general daily grind that many long to escape for at least a period of time. They may take off for a weekend here or there, a week or two in the […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - A Vacation from our Vacation??

 The month of May brought a change of pace! We were lucky enough to have family and friends visit us in the Algarve (southern Portugal) and I even got to meet up with my mom in Ireland for a cousin’s wedding! As we approached this impending change (airbnbs rather than Beni life), Ash and I […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - The dog days of motorhome life!

 Have I mentioned our dogs yet? 😆  Since Midnight and Lefty joined our family they’ve always had a place in the center of our world, and yet on this new adventure they figure even more prominently into our daily lives as we rarely spend a moment without them. The only “off-limit” places in Beni are […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - You’ve Got to Be Kidding Me!

 The other day, while on a video chat with my mom, she asked how things were going and I answered “Well every day there are several ‘You’ve got to be kidding me!’ moments.” She followed up with “Good or bad?” “BOTH!” I responded, and we had a good chuckle. And it’s SO true. You’ve Got […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - The Plan is No Plan!

 The other day, while on a “randonée” (I like throwing in random French words – this one means “hike”), Ash and I were discussing the beauty of our aimless wanderings and what they provide; exercise for us and the dogs, spectacular views of the natural surroundings, and the possibility of, well, ANYTHING! One of our […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - Making your camping-car your home

 Camping-car or motorhome (no one uses the term RV in Europe!) adventures, are, of course, different for everyone. And making a camping-car “your home” means different things to different people. For us, we knew we’d be living in the motorhome full-time, with 2 large dogs, for a full year or two! So, yes, this REALLY […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - European adventure – We made it!

 The Kayler-Popper Crew has just arrived in France to start their European adventure and will be guest blogging during their trip. How do you get two large dogs across the Atlantic? Like this! The number one question we were asked when telling friends and family in the US that we were planning a 2-year journey […] continue reading... 

Motorhome Blog on - Midnight & Lefty’s European road trip

 One of our clients is currently road tripping across the United States from West coast to East before continuing their journey in Europe. Midnight and Lefty seem quite happy with their guides and are looking forward to sniffing out all that France and Europe has to offer this Spring. Grand Canyon AZ London bridge, Lake […] continue reading...